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619 “Guabi Guabi” by George Sibanda
8·9 “Excellent Folk from Zimbabwe”
Recorded in 1948.
– Just to prove Zimbabweans were always excellent at making music, here's George Sibanda, recorded more than 70 years ago. “Guabi Guabi”, sung in the country's Northern Sindebele language, was included in Andrew Tracey's “Wait a Minim!” touring review which broke out of Africa into London (1964) and New York (1966), leading to versions of the song by Ramblin'Joe Elliot, Arlo Guthrie and Taj Mahal. George was a great picker with an endearing personality and became a bit of a star of radio at home. Alas, he could not cope with fame and fortune and had drunk himself to death by the end of the 50s. Back in 2004, this was included on a cool collection by SWP Records, “a one-man operation by Zambian-born drummer, composer, producer, field recordist Michael Baird. The label releases his own music, music from central, southern, and eastern Africa, and any other beautiful music that has been forgotten.” Accurate.
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