Bootstrap Example


Where the musical motifs evoke a strong sense of what's widely recognized as being music of the Far East, irrespective of the country of origin or the era involved, bearing in mind that South East Russian and Mongolian music is normally filed under the Asian tag.

The Jukebox Pick (of 6):

 Four Gardens

 (Julia Holter)

 Julia Holter

 7.7 out of 10 “Great” Oriental

 From her album “Ekstasis” released in March, 2012. Julia Holter's an excellent artist who always keeps me on my toes when it comes to genre tagging; she's very experimental and often visits differing territories within the space of the same song, just as spiritual sister Laurie Anderson did before her. Case in point is the dubby/trippy “Four Gardens”, where some of that squalling sax has me wandering down a jazzy path but, thankfully, this is kept at arms length, and it's the sound of the ancient far east which leaves the biggest impression on me as far as tagging goes. As well as the obvious musical motifs that can be heard, Julia's delicate and nuanced approach to her vocals is well suited to the stereotypical prettiness of the Far East. Everything but the kimono!

Some favourite artists:

not enough in collection to judge

The Jukebox pick:


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